Building NitrOS9 in Windows using Cygwin

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Building NitrOS-9 using Cygwin

This how-to will attempt to guide you through the process of making your own NitrOS-9 disks from the latest source. Cygwin version 1.7.1 was used by the author.

Install Cygwin

If you do not already have Cygwin installed on your system, you will need to download and run the Cygwin setup.exe

You will need to select the following packages on the "Select Packages" screen:

mercurial*, gcc-core, make, zip

These are easy to find using the search box. You may want to install other things, but these packages (and their automatically installed dependencies) are all that is required to build NitrOS-9.

(*) The Mercurial home page recommends using their installers instead of the Cygwin package.

Build LWTOOLS and Nitros-9

Follow the instruction for building LWTOOLS and NitrOS-9 on Building NitrOS9 You may have to add "CC=gcc" to the make commands, i.e.

make CC=gcc