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Set SWI Sets the SWI, SWI2, and SWI3 vectors
OS9 F$SSWI 103F 0E

Entry Conditions

A SWI type code

X address of the user software interrupt routine

Error Output

C carry set on error

B error code (if any)

Additional Information

  • Sets the interrupt vectors for SWI, SWI2, and SWI3 instructions.
  • Each process has its own local vectors. Each Set SWI call sets one type of vector according to the code number passed in Register A:


2 SWI2

3 SWI3

  • When NitrOS-9 creates a process, it initializes all three vectors with the address of the NitrOS-9 service call processor.
  • Warning: Microware-supplied software uses SWI2 to call NitrOS-9. If you reset this vector, these programs cannot work. If you change all three vectors, you cannot call NitrOS-9 at all.
