Building NitrOS9 in Windows using Cygwin

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Building NitrOS9 using Cygwin

This how-to will attempt to guide you through the process of making your own NitrOS9 disks from the latest source. Cygwin version 1.7.1 was used by the author.

Install Cygwin

If you do not already have Cygwin installed on your system, you will need to download and run the Cygwin setup.exe

You will need to select the following packages on the "Select Packages" screen:

cvs, gcc-core, make, zip

These are easy to find using the search box. You may want to install other things, but these are the only packages required to build NitrOS9.

Obtain and build the Toolshed tools

cd /usr/src
cvs -z3 co -P toolshed
cd toolshed/build/win32
mkdir ~/bin
make install
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

Obtain and build NitrOS9

cd /usr/src
cvs -z3 co -P nitros9
export NITROS9DIR=/usr/src/nitros9
cd nitros9
make dsk

You should now find disk images have been created in the various directories. For instance, the boot disks for level 2, 6309 can be found in /usr/src/nitros9/level2/coco3_6309.