System Calls

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System Calls

System calls are used to communicate between the NitrOS-9 operating system and assembly-language programs. There are two major types of calls–I/O calls and function calls.

Function calls include user mode calls and system mode calls.

Each system call has a mnemonic name. Names of I/O calls start with I$. For example, the Change Directory call is I$ChgDir. Names of function calls start with F$. For example, the Allocate Bits call is F$AllBit. The names are defined in the assembler-input conditions equate file called OS9Defs.

System mode calls are included in this manual primarily for programmers writing device drivers and other system-level applications.

Calling Procedure

To execute any system calls, you need to use an SWI2 instruction:

  1. Load the 6809 registers with any appropriate parameters.
  2. Execute an SWI instruction, followed immediately by a constant byte, which is the requested code. In the references in this chapter, the first line is the system call name (for example Close Path) and the second line contains the call's mnemonic name (for example I$Close), the software interrupt Code 2 (103F), and the call's request code (for example 8F) in hexadecimal.
  3. After NitrOS-9 processes the call, it returns any parameters in the 6809 registers. If an error occurs, the C bit of the condition code register is set and Register B contains the appropriate error code. This feature permits a BCS or BCC instruction immediately following the system call to branch either if there is an error or if no error occurs.

As an example, here is the Close system call:

 FCB $8F

You can use the assembler's OS9 directive to simplify the call, as follows:

 OS9 I$Close

The ASM assembler allows any combination of upper- or lowercase letters. The RMA assembler, included in the OS-9 Level Two Development Pack, is case sensitive. The names in this manual have been spelled with upper- and lowercase letters, matching the defs for RMA.

I/O System Calls

NitrOS-9's I/O calls are easier to use than many other systems' I/O calls. This is because the calling program does not have to allocate and set up file control blocks, sector buffers, and so on.

Instead, NitrOS-9 returns a 1-byte path number whenever a process opens a path to a file or device. Until the path is closed, you can use this path number in later I/O requests to identify the file or device.

In addition, NitrOS-9 allocates and maintains its own data structures; so, you need not deal with them.

System Call Descriptions

The rest of this chapter consists of the system call descriptions. At the top of each description is the system call name, followed by its mnemonic name, the SWI2 code, and the request code. Next are the call's entry and exit conditions, followed by additional information about the code where appropriate.

In the system call descriptions, registers not specified as entry or exit conditions are not altered. Strings passed as parameters are normally terminated with a space character and end-of-line character, or with Bit 7 of the last character set.

If an error occurs on a system call, the C bit of Register CC is set and Register B contains the error code. If no error occurs, the C bit is clear and Register B contains a value of zero.

User Mode System Calls Quick Reference

Following is a quick summary of the User Mode System Calls referenced in this chapter:

F$Alarm $1E Color Computer 3 Alarm Call
F$AllBit $13 Sets bits in an allocation bit map
F$Chain $05 Chains a process to a new module
F$CmpNam $11 Compares two names
F$CpyMem $1B Copies external memory
F$CRC $17 Generates a cyclic redundancy check
F$CRCMod $55 New system call to change module CRC calcs on/off (krnp2)
F$Debug $23 Drop the system into the debugger (krnp2)
F$DelBit $14 Deallocates bits in an allocation bit map
F$Exit $06 Terminates a process
F$Fork $03 Starts a new process
F$GBlkMp $19 Gets a copy of a system block map
F$GModDr $1A Gets a copy of the module directory
F$GPrDsc $18 Gets a copy of a process descriptor
F$Icpt $09 Sets a signal intercept trap
F$ID $0C Returns a process ID
F$Link $00 Links to a memory module
F$Load $01 Loads a module from mass storage
F$Mem $07 Changes a process's data area size
F$NMLink $21 Links to a module; does not map the module into the user's address space
F$NMLoad $22 Loads a module but does not map it into the user's address space
F$PErr $0F Prints an error message
F$PrsNam $10 Parses a pathlist name
F$SchBit $12 Searches a bit map
F$Send $08 Sends a signal to a process
F$Sleep $0A Suspends a process
F$SPrior $0D Sets a process's priority
F$SSpd $0B Suspends a process
F$SSWI $0E Sets a software interrupt vector
F$STime $16 Sets the system time
F$SUser $1C Sets the user ID number
F$TimAlm $26 CoCo individual process alarm call
F$Time $15 Returns the current time
F$TPS $25 Return the system's ticks per second
F$Unlink $02 Unlinks a module
F$Unload $1D Unlinks a module by name
F$Wait $04 Waits for a signal

I/O System Calls Quick Reference

I$Attach $80 Attaches to an I/O device
I$ChgDir $86 Changes a working directory
I$Close $8F Closes a path
I$Create $83 Creates a new file
I$Delete $87 Deletes a file
I$DeletX $90 Deletes a file from the execution directory
I$Detach $81 Detaches an I/O device
I$Dup $82 Duplicates a path
I$GetStt $8D Gets a device's status
I$MakDir $85 Creates a directory file
I$Open $84 Opens a path to an existing file
I$Read $89 Reads data from a device
I$ReadLn $8B Reads a line of data from a device
I$Seek $88 Positions a file pointer
I$SetStt $8E Sets a device's status
I$Write $8A Writes data to a device
I$WritLn $8C Writes a data line to a device

System Mode Calls Quick Reference

Following is a summary of the System Mode Calls referenced in this chapter:

F$All64 $30 Allocates a 64-byte memory block
F$AllHRAM $53 Allocates high RAM
F$AllImg $3A Allocates image RAM blocks
F$AllPrc $4B Allocates a process descriptor
F$AllRAM $39 Allocates RAM blocks
F$AllTsk $3F Allocates a process task number
F$AProc $2C Inserts a process into the queue for execution
F$Boot $35 Bootstrap system
F$BtMem $36 Bootstrap memory request
F$ClrBlk $50 Clears the specified block of memory
F$DATLog $44 Converts a DAT block offset to a logical address
F$DATTmp $45 Make temporary DAT image (obsolete)
F$DelImg $3B Deallocates image RAM blocks
F$DelPrc $4C Deallocates a process descriptor
F$DelRAM $51 Deallocates RAM blocks
F$DelTsk $40 Deallocates a process task number
F$ELink $4D Links modules using a module directory entry
F$FModul $4E Finds a module directory entry
F$Find64 $2F Finds a 64-byte memory block
F$FreeHB $3E Gets a free high block
F$FreeLB $3D Gets a free low block
F$GCMDir $52 Compacts module directory entries
F$GProcP $37 Gets a process's pointer
F$IODel $33 Deletes an I/O module
F$IOQu $2B Puts an entry into an I/O queue
F$IRQ $2A Makes an entry into the IRQ polling table
F$LDABX $49 Loads Register A from 0,X in Task B
F$LDAXY $46 Loads A[X,[Y]]
F$LDAXYP $47 Loads A[X+,[Y]]
F$LDDDXY $48 Loads D[D+X,[Y]]
F$MapBlk $4F Maps the specified blocks
F$Move $38 Moves data to a different address space
F$NProc $2D Starts the next process
F$ReBoot $54 Reboot machine (reload OS9Boot) or drop to RS-DOS
F$RelTsk $43 Releases a task number
F$ResTsk $42 Reserves a task number
F$Ret64 $31 Returns a 64-byte memory block
F$SetImg $3C Sets a process DAT image
F$SetTsk $41 Sets a process's task DAT registers
F$SLink $34 Performs a system link
F$SRqMem $28 Performs a system memory request
F$SRtMem $29 Performs a system memory return
F$SSvc $32 Installs a function request
F$STABX $4A Stores Register A at 0,X in Task B
F$VIRQ $27 Makes an entry in a virtual IRQ polling table
F$VBlock $57 Verify modules in a block of memory, add to module directory (krn)
F$VModul $2E Validates a module
F$XTime $56 Get extended time packet from RTC (fractions of a second)

System Calls in Numeric Order

Code Mnemonic Mode Description
$00 F$Link User Links to a memory module
$01 F$Load User Loads a module from mass storage
$02 F$Unlink User Unlinks a module
$03 F$Fork User Starts a new process
$04 F$Wait User Waits for a signal
$05 F$Chain User Chains a process to a new module
$06 F$Exit User Terminates a process
$07 F$Mem User Changes a process's data area size
$08 F$Send User Sends a signal to a process
$09 F$Icpt User Sets a signal intercept trap
$0A F$Sleep User Suspends a process
$0B F$SSpd User Suspends a process
$0C F$ID User Returns a process ID
$0D F$SPrior User Sets a process's priority
$0E F$SSWI User Sets a software interrupt vector
$0F F$PErr User Prints an error message
$10 F$PrsNam User Parses a pathlist name
$11 F$CmpNam User Compares two names
$12 F$SchBit User Searches a bit map
$13 F$AllBit User Sets bits in an allocation bit map
$14 F$DelBit User Deallocates bits in an allocation bit map
$15 F$Time User Returns the current time
$16 F$STime User Sets the system time
$17 F$CRC User Generates a cyclic redundancy check
$18 F$GPrDsc User Gets a copy of a process descriptor
$19 F$GBlkMp User Gets a copy of a system block map
$1A F$GModDr User Gets a copy of the module directory
$1B F$CpyMem User Copies external memory
$1C F$SUser User Sets the user ID number
$1D F$Unload User Unlinks a module by name
$1E F$Alarm User Color Computer 3 Alarm Call
$21 F$NMLink User Links to a module; does not map the module into the user's address space
$22 F$NMLoad User Loads a memory but does not map it into the user's address space
$23 F$Debug User Drop the system into the debugger
$25 F$TPS User Return the system's ticks per second
$26 F$TimAlm User CoCo individual process alarm call
$27 F$VIRQ User Makes an entry in a virtual IRQ polling table
$28 F$SRqMem System Performs a system memory request
$29 F$SRtMem System Performs a system memory return
$2A F$IRQ System Makes an entry into the IRQ polling table
$2B F$IOQu System Puts an entry into an I/O queue
$2C F$AProc System Inserts a process into the queue for execution
$2D F$NProc System Starts the next process
$2E F$VModul System Validates a module
$2F F$Find64 System Finds a 64-byte memory block
$30 F$All64 System Allocates a 64-byte memory block
$31 F$Ret64 System Returns a 64-byte memory block
$32 F$SSvc System Installs a function request
$33 F$IODel System Deletes an I/O module
$34 F$SLink System Performs a system link
$35 F$Boot System Bootstrap system
$36 F$BtMem System Bootstrap memory request
$37 F$GProcP System Gets a process's pointer
$38 F$Move System Moves data to a different address space
$39 F$AllRAM System Allocates RAM blocks
$3A F$AllImg System Allocates image RAM blocks
$3B F$DelImg System Deallocates image RAM blocks
$3C F$SetImg System Sets a process DAT image
$3D F$FreeLB System Gets a free low block
$3E F$FreeHB System Gets a free high block
$3F F$AllTsk System Allocates a process task number
$40 F$DelTsk System Deallocates a process task number
$41 F$SetTsk System Sets a process's task DAT registers
$42 F$ResTsk System Reserves a task number
$43 F$RelTsk System Releases a task number
$44 F$DATLog System Converts a DAT block offset to a logical address
$45 F$DATTmp System Make temporary DAT image (obsolete)
$46 F$LDAXY System Loads A[X,[Y]]
$47 F$LDAXYP System Loads A[X+,[Y]]
$48 F$LDDDXY System Loads D[D+X,[Y]]
$49 F$LDABX System Loads Register A from 0,X in Task B
$4A F$STABX System Stores Register A at 0,X in Task B
$4B F$AllPrc System Allocates a process descriptor
$4C F$DelPrc System Deallocates a process descriptor
$4D F$ELink System Links modules using a module directory entry
$4E F$FModul System Finds a module directory entry
$4F F$MapBlk System Maps the specified blocks
$50 F$ClrBlk System Clears the specified block of memory
$51 F$DelRAM System Deallocates RAM blocks
$52 F$GCMDir System Compacts module directory entries
$53 F$AllHRAM System Allocates high RAM
$54 F$ReBoot System Reboot machine (reload OS9Boot) or drop to RS-DOS
$55 F$CRCMod User New system call to change module CRC calcs on/off
$56 F$XTime System Gets extended time packet from RTC (fractions of a second)
$57 F$VBlock System Verify modules in a block of memory, add to module directory
$70 F$RegDmp User User register dump system call for NitrOS-9 Level 2
$71 F$NVRAM User Read/Write RTC non-volatile RAM (NVRAM)
$80 I$Attach I/O Attaches to an I/O device
$81 I$Detach I/O Detaches an I/O device
$82 I$Dup I/O Duplicates a path
$83 I$Create I/O Creates a new file
$84 I$Open I/O Opens a path to an existing file
$85 I$MakDir I/O Creates a directory file
$86 I$ChgDir I/O Changes a working directory
$87 I$Delete I/O Deletes a file
$88 I$Seek I/O Positions a file pointer
$89 I$Read I/O Reads data from a device
$8A I$Write I/O Writes data to a device
$8B I$ReadLn I/O Reads a line of data from a device
$8C I$WritLn I/O Writes a data line to a device
$8D I$GetStt I/O Gets a device's status
$8E I$SetStt I/O Sets a device's status
$8F I$Close I/O Closes a path
$90 I$DeletX I/O Deletes a file from the execution directory

Get Status System Calls

You use the Get Status system calls with the RBF manager subroutine GETSTA. The NitrOS-9 Level Two system reserves the function codes 7-127 for use by Microware. You can define codes 128-255 and their parameter-passing conventions for your own use. (See the sections on device drivers in Chapter 4, 5, and 6.)

The Get Status routine passes the register stack and the specified function code to the device driver.

Following are the Get Status functions and their codes.

$00 SS.Opt Read path descriptor options
$01 SS.Ready Check for device ready
$02 SS.Size Read file size
$05 SS.Pos Get file current position
$06 SS.EOF Test for end of file
$07 SS.Link Link to status routines — No implementation found
$08 SS.ULink Unlink status routines — No implementation found
$09 SS.Feed Issue form feed — No implementation found
$0B SS.SPT Set DD.TKS to given value — No implementation found
$0E SS.DevNm Return device name
$0F SS.FD Return file descriptor
$12 SS.DStat Return display status
$12 SS.VarSect Variable sector size
$13 SS.Joy Return joystick value
$14 SS.BlkRd Block read
$15 SS.BlkWr Block write
$16 SS.Reten Retension cycle
$17 SS.WFM Write file mark
$18 SS.RFM Read past file mark
$19 SS.ELog Read error log
$1A SS.Sig Send signal on data ready
$1B SS.Relea Release device
$1C SS.AlfaS Return alfa display status
$1C SS.Attr [[SS.Attr Get Status|To serve 68K/RBF/SetStat only, thru NET
$1D SS.Break Send break signal out ACIA
$1E SS.RsBit Reserve bitmap sector
$20 SS.FDInf [[SS.FDInf Get Status|To serve 68K/RBF/GetStat only, thru NET
$20 SS.DirEnt Reserve bitmap sector
$24 SS.SetMF Reserve $24 for Gimix G68 (Flex compatibility?)
$25 SS.Cursr Cursor information
$26 SS.ScSiz Return screen size
$26 SS.DSize Return disk size
$27 SS.KySns GetStat/SetStat for CoCo keyboard
$28 SS.ComSt GetStat/SetStat for baud/parity
$29 SS.Open SetStat to tell driver a path was opened
$2A SS.Close SetStat to tell driver a path was closed
$2B SS.HngUp SetStat to tell driver to hangup phone
$2C SS.FSig New signal for temp locked files
$80 SS.AAGBf SetStat to allocate additional graphic buffer
$80 SS.DRead SDisk3 direct sector read
$80 SS.DWrit SDisk3 direct sector write
$81 SS.SLGBf SetStat to select a different graphic buffer
$81 SS.UnFrz SDisk3 unfreeze DD info
$82 SS.Mount Network 4 Mount SetStat
$82 SS.MOFF SDisk3 fast motor off call
$83 SS.RdNet Read Raw Sector from Network 4 Omnidrive
$83 SS.MoTim SDisk3 set motor shut off time
$84 SS.MpGPB SetStat to request a get/put buffer be mapped in workspace
$84 SS.SDRD SDisk3 system direct read
$84 SS.SDWRT SDisk3 system direct write
$85 SS.Slots Network 4 slots GetStat
$85 SS.Sleep SDisk3 (DMC ONLY) enable/disable F$Sleep calls in read/write 1773 I/O
$86 SS.WnSet Set up high level windowing information
$86 SS.DrvCh SDisk3 (DMC ONLY) set drive number to cache, or return drive number being cached
$87 SS.MnSel Request high level menu handler determine next event
$88 SS.SBar SetStat to set position block on window scroll bars
$89 SS.Mouse Return mouse information packet
$8A SS.MsSig SetStat to tell driver to send signal on mouse event
$8B SS.AScrn Allocate a screen for application poking
$8C SS.DScrn Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
$8D SS.FScrn Free a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
$8E SS.PScrn Polymorph screen into different screen type
$8F SS.ScInf Get current screen info for direct writes
$91 SS.Palet Return palette information
$92 SS.Montr Get and set monitor type
$93 SS.ScTyp Get screen type information
$94 SS.GIP Global input parameters
$95 SS.UMBar Update menu bar
$96 SS.FBRgs Return color registers
$97 SS.DfPal Set/return default palette registers
$98 SS.Tone Generate a tone using 6 bit sound
$99 SS.GIP2 Global input parameters #2
$99 SS.CDSta SS.CDSta
$9A SS.AnPal Animate palettes
$9B SS.FndBf Find named buffer
$A0 SS.Fill Preload SCF device input buffer
$A1 SS.Hist Enable command-line history
$B0 SS.ECC ECC corrected data error enable/disable
$B0 SS.VCtr Return FS2 total VIRQ counter
$B1 SS.VSig Return FS2 number of signals sent
$B1 SS.FClr Set/clear FS2 VIRQ
$C7 SS.FSet Set FS2+ VIRQ
$C8 SS.KSet Set KQ3 VIRQ
$C9 SS.KClr Clear KQ3 VIRQ
$CA SS.ARAM Allocate RAM blocks
$CB SS.DRAM Deallocate RAM blocks

Set Status System Calls

Use the Set Status system calls with the RBF manager subroutine SETSTA. The NitrOS-9 Level Two system reserves codes 7-127 for use by Microware. You can define codes 200-255 and their parameter-passing conventions for your own use. (See the section on device drivers in Chapters 4, 5, and 6.)

Following are the Set Status functions and their codes.

$00 SS.Opt Set path descriptor options
$01 SS.Ready Check for device ready
$02 SS.Size Read file size
$03 SS.Reset Device restore
$04 SS.WTrk Device write track
$05 SS.Pos Get file current position
$06 SS.EOF Test for end of file
$07 SS.Link Link to status routines
$08 SS.ULink Unlink status routines
$09 SS.Feed Issue form feed
$0A SS.Frz Freeze DD. information
$0B SS.SPT Set DD.TKS to given value
$0C SS.SQD Sequence down hard disk
$0D SS.DCmd Send direct command to disk
$0E SS.DevNm Return device name
$0F SS.FD Return file descriptor
$10 SS.Ticks Set lockout honor duration
$11 SS.Lock Lock/release record
$12 SS.DStat Return display status
$12 SS.VarSect Variable sector size
$13 SS.Joy Return joystick value
$14 SS.BlkRd Block read
$15 SS.BlkWr Block write
$16 SS.Reten Retension cycle
$17 SS.WFM Write file mark
$18 SS.RFM Read past file mark
$19 SS.Elog Read error log
$1A SS.Sig Send signal on data ready
$1B SS.Relea Release device
$1C SS.AlfaS Return alfa display status
$1C SS.Attr To serve 68K/RBF/SetStat only, thru NET
$1D SS.Break Send break signal out ACIA
$1E SS.RsBit Reserve bitmap sector
$20 SS.DirEnt Reserve bitmap sector
$20 SS.FDInf To serve 68K/RBF/SetStat only, thru NET
$24 SS.SetMF Reserve $24 for Gimix G68 (Flex compatibility?)
$25 SS.Cursr Cursor information
$26 SS.ScSiz Return screen size
$26 SS.DSize Return disk size
$27 SS.KySns GetStat/SetStat for CoCo keyboard
$28 SS.ComSt GetStat/SetStat for baud/parity
$29 SS.Open SetStat to tell driver a path was opened
$2A SS.Close SetStat to tell driver a path was closed
$2B SS.HngUp SetStat to tell driver to hangup phone
$2C SS.FSig New signal for temp locked files
$80 SS.AAGBf SetStat to allocate additional graphic buffer
$80 SS.DRead SDisk3 direct sector read
$80 SS.DWrit SDisk3 direct sector write
$81 SS.SLGBf SetStat to select a different graphic buffer
$81 SS.UnFrz SDisk3 unfreeze DD info
$82 SS.Mount Network 4 Mount SetStat
$82 SS.MOFF SDisk3 fast motor off call
$83 SS.RdNet Read Raw Sector from Network 4 Omnidrive
$83 SS.MoTim SDisk3 set motor shut off time
$84 SS.MpGPB SetStat to request a get/put buffer be mapped in workspace
$84 SS.SDRD SDisk3 system direct read
$84 SS.SDWRT SDisk3 system direct write
$85 SS.Slots Network 4 slots GetStat
$85 SS.Sleep SDisk3 (DMC ONLY) enable/disable F$Sleep calls in read/write 1773 I/O
$86 SS.WnSet Set up high level windowing information
$86 SS.DrvCh SDisk3 (DMC ONLY) set drive number to cache, or return drive number being cached
$87 SS.MnSel Request high level menu handler determine next event
$88 SS.SBar SetStat to set position block on window scroll bars
$89 SS.Mouse Return mouse information packet
$8A SS.MsSig SetStat to tell driver to send signal on mouse event
$8B SS.AScrn Allocate a screen for application poking
$8C SS.DScrn Display a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
$8D SS.FScrn Free a screen allocated by SS.AScrn
$8E SS.PScrn Polymorph screen into different screen type
$8F SS.ScInf Get current screen info for direct writes
$91 SS.Palet Return palette information
$92 SS.Montr Get and set monitor type
$93 SS.ScTyp Get screen type information
$94 SS.GIP Global input parameters
$95 SS.UMBar Update menu bar
$96 SS.FBRgs Return color registers
$97 SS.DfPal Set/return default palette registers
$98 SS.Tone Generate a tone using 6 bit sound
$99 SS.GIP2 Global input parameters #2
$99 SS.CDSta SS.CDSta
$9A SS.AnPal Animate palettes
$9B SS.FndBf Find named buffer
$A0 SS.Fill Preload SCF device input buffer
$A1 SS.Hist Enable command-line history
$B0 SS.ECC ECC corrected data error enable/disable
$B0 SS.VCtr Return FS2 total VIRQ counter
$B1 SS.VSig Return FS2 number of signals sent
$B1 SS.FClr Set/clear FS2 VIRQ
$C7 SS.FSet Set FS2+ VIRQ
$C8 SS.KSet Set KQ3 VIRQ
$C9 SS.KClr Clear KQ3 VIRQ
$CA SS.ARAM Allocate RAM blocks
$CB SS.DRAM Deallocate RAM blocks